At LIMARP, we have created a comprehensive care model for the obese patient that offers the highest level of medical attention available in the world. Our impeccable record and quality of care have earned us the prestigious title of Center of Excellence in Metabolic and Bariatric Surgery given by U.S. based Surgical Review Corporation, which places us in the elite of bariatric surgery providers in the world.

Gastric sleeve may be the permanent weight loss solution you have been looking for!



This is one of the preferred weight loss surgeries. Known as vertical sleeve gastrectomy or simply gastric sleeve, it is a restrictive operation which reduces the size of the stomach and helps people with obesity people lose weight. With a smaller stomach you feel full much faster than before, which consequently helps you make important and necessary lifestyle changes to win the battle against obesity.

During gastric sleeve surgery more than half of the stomach is removed, leaving the new stomach in the form of a vertical sleeve, thus the name. This newly reduced stomach pouch is closed with special surgical staples. It is a non-reversible process. 


Thanks to the advanced laparoscopic techniques used at LIMARP Center of Excellence in Metabolic and Bariatric Surgery, your recovery process is quite fast and the risks are minimal. 

The gastric sleeve surgical procedure for weight loss is an effective long-term weight loss solution with the added benefit of a short recovery time. 

This procedure mainly induces weight loss by restricting the amount of food that you can eat, resulting in an overall metabolic improvement. However, the hormonal changes that result from having a gastric sleeve will play a very important role in your weight loss journey. 



Some of the benefits this type of bariatric surgery offers are: 


It is performed with advanced laparoscopic surgical techniques.


Rapid recovery process.


Weight loss is usually fast; with an average loss of excess weight of around 85-95% in the first 1-2 years after surgery.


There is no prosthetic material involved, as with lap-band surgery.


There are few postoperative visits (compared to other procedures).


It removes the portion of the stomach that produces the hunger triggering hormone ghrelin. It does not involve disconnection or redirection of the intestine.


It is technically easier than the Bypass or Duodenal Switch surgery.


It is a safe, effective and proven procedure.

Gastric Sleeve surgery is a restrictive procedure, but the hormonal changes that result from having will play a very important role in your weight loss journey.

Gastric sleeve surgery is a highly recommended, advanced and innovative technique to treat obesity in a permanent manner. Your life will change dramatically after gastric sleeve surgery, but it is essential that you strictly adhere to the LIMARP follow-up program. The importance of this cannot be stressed enough.

After surgery, your LIMARP doctors will provide you with specific instructions on what to eat during the all-important post-surgery phase. During the first month, your stomach will only tolerate small amounts of liquids and soft foods. Your eating plan will include specific phases in which you will make small changes in the type of foods you eat and how you prepare them, this will not only help you heal perfectly from surgery, it will also help to completely cleanse your palate. Little by little, you will be able to eat solid food, but you will have to chew it thoroughly and stop eating the moment you feel comfortably full. Failure to follow these two simple steps can cause discomfort, nausea and even vomiting. LIMARP has designed a comprehensive care model for the obese patient that includes detailed instructions and support during every phase of your journey; we know for a fact that this has made a huge difference to each and every one of our patients.


Successful weight loss surgery not only depends on the surgeon, but on his or her whole team. Don’t put your health in the hands of someone who is not properly trained in the latest, most advanced techniques. Look for a doctor that has the necessary credentials and is recognized by all relevant national and international associations for weight loss surgery; this will give you the security that you’ve entrusted your process to the best possible hands.

Dr. Liza María Pompa González, FACS

Professional license 5777148, Autonomous University of Baja California

Dr. Pompa is LIMARP’s Center of Excellence in Metabolic and Bariatric Surgery CEO, founder, director and lead bariatric, metabolic and general surgeon. Her patients agree that she is not only a brilliant surgeon; she is also a tireless, caring and compassionate human being.

Dr. Pompa graduated from the Autonomous University of Baja California’s School of Medicine, achieving the prestigious Merit Award for academic excellence. Later on, when applying for her residency, she obtained first place in the National Surgical Residency exam.

Her natural surgical skills and brilliant academic performance were noted during her Surgical Residency at Tijuana’s General Hospital in Mexico, where she was appointed Chief of Residents, a first for a woman. She then had the opportunity to train at the world renowned Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota as a visiting resident, perfecting new and advanced laparoscopic and bariatric surgical techniques.

After completing training at the European Institute of Telesurgery in Strasbourg, France, she became known for her extensive preparation in the field of minimally invasive and bariatric surgery.

She is certified by Inamed and Johnson & Johnson and was designated Master Surgeon in Metabolic and Bariatric Surgery by Surgical Review Corporation; with the distinction of being the first woman to achieve this title at the international level.

She is a member of the following associations where she regularly attends and lectures:

She is also certified by the Mexican Board of General Surgery, the Mexican College of Bariatric and Metabolic Surgery and the American Heart Association in Advanced Cardiovascular Life Support.

Dr. Pompa is also an active medical writer and has created clinical and patient care guidelines for the overweight patient, through which she has helped thousands of people from all over the world suffering from obesity. In addition to all her clinical work, Dr. Pompa created the LIMARP FOUNDATION, to provide bariatric surgery for underprivileged patients and to promote healthy weight campaigns in her native city of Tijuana, Mexico.
Bariatric or weight loss surgery involves a huge lifestyle change. You will go through many stages and the more knowledgeable you are the better; information will help you be more at ease and ready to do your part towards achieving the best possible results! To find out more about gastric sleeve surgery, fill out our contact form now.

Here are some of our patients’ most common questions:

Do I have to go on some kind of diet before my surgery?

The answer is yes. But this shouldn’t scare or intimidate you. The diet that you will follow is very simple and is an important part of the process because it makes your surgery safer.

How will my health be affected by the surgery?

Nothing compares to the feeling you’ll get when your lab numbers start dropping! You can also expect to improve or even solve conditions such as:

  • Type 2 diabetes
  • High blood pressure
  • High cholesterol
  • GERD
  • Knee pain
  • Asthma
  • Sleep apnea

How long will my recovery be?

Recovery depends on many factors, from the type of surgery to the type of patient. Some may get to go home the same day; others will have to stay one or more nights in the hospital. This is something that you must talk thoroughly with your surgeon so that you can make arrangements at work and prepare for your at-home recovery period.

How will my lifestyle change after weight loss surgery?

It does happen that, with time, some people regain weight even if they had a successful surgery. Over the years some patients start having a lot of sugary drinks and high calorie foods, their intestine can regain a certain level of absorption and their stomach size may even expand.

Losing the weight that you have been carrying for years is not a simple thing. The process involves not only physical, but also emotional changes. It is very important that your medical team provide you with adequate psychological support and that your family and friends understand that you will go through a truly transformative process and that their support will be essential; this will allow you to handle the many ups and downs a lot better. At LIMARP we have fully trained, expert staff to help you every step of the way, to get to know more about our comprehensive care model, fill out our contact form.

After weight loss surgery, exercise and a healthy diet will be the stars of your
daily life and will help you achieve and maintain the best possible results.


Meet Kate, another LIMARP success story!

Kate came to us determined to regain her health. She was a little nervous at first, but the thought of going back to her boys with a new lease on life kept her strong. These are her words:

“I had a VSG [vertical sleeve gastrectomy or gastric sleeve] done by Dr. Pompa in October of 2012. My highest weight was 272lbs, prior to my surgery I was 252lbs and at my lowest weight I was 147lbs in less than a year. Along with support from my family doctor over the last 4 years, I now comfortably maintain between 160lbs and 170lbs with diet and moderate exercise which looks fantastic on my 5’8″ body. I am very happy with my results. My experience with Dr. Pompa and the entire staff at the LIMARP facility was excellent. It was cleaner than any hospital I have ever been in here in Canada, everyone was very highly skilled and I felt well taken care of. At the time of my surgery I was 36 years old, had 2 children and had never even had an IV before. I had never had any kind of surgery and I was very afraid but everyone involved completely put my mind at ease. Minutes before surgery, Dr. Pompa held my hand and I asked her to please do a good job because I needed to get home to my boys. She was so confident and professional, she simply said “Of course.” and her smile was all I needed. I knew this was the right decision. The staff was very efficient and caring at all times. I would not hesitate to recommend LIMARP to anyone needing weight loss surgery. In my opinion, Dr. Pompa and her staff are the very best. Thank you so much for helping me!”

*This is a real testimony; however, individual results may vary. Please read our Testimonial Disclaimer for more information.

As Dr. Liza María Pompa, our founder, CEO and lead surgeon, says, weight loss surgery is not a miracle, even if you might feel it is! If you start to overeat (despite the discomfort it will surely cause), your stomach might stretch and recover some of its former capacity, which significantly reduces the benefits of the surgery and opens the door to weight gain. 


Gastric sleeve surgery must be accompanied by a solid meal plan that includes adequate amounts of macronutrients (proteins, fats and carbohydrates) and micronutrients (vitamins and minerals). As part of our effort to provide patients with the best possible care, Dr. Pompa has designed the LIMARP bariatric supplement line which includes special vitamins and protein powders that will enhance your weight loss and help keep you healthy and energetic. 


Anyone that labels bariatric surgery as some kind of magic bullet is doing a disservice to the thousands of people who have made a life-long commitment to live a healthy, active life with the help of a weight loss procedure. Bariatric surgery is undoubtedly an amazing opportunity for you to reverse obesity and most of the related diseases that make it so dangerous, but it has to be part of a comprehensive care model such as the one designed exclusively for LIMARP patients by Dr. Liza María Pompa and her expert staff. 

Our comprehensive care model includes the support of:

  • Highly skilled surgical, medical and nursing staff  
  • Bariatric psychologists
  •  Nutritionists
  • Fitness experts
  • Live and/or social network support groups
  • A complete and comprehensive follow-up program

To find out if you are a candidate for gastric bypass, fill out our contact form now. 

“Bariatric surgery is undoubtedly an amazing opportunity 

for you to reverse obesity and most of the related diseases 

that make it so dangerous, but it has to be part of a comprehensive 

care model such as the one designed exclusively for LIMARP patients.” 

– Dr. Liza María Pompa, FACS 

For most patients, gastric sleeve surgery will be the procedure that will help them achieve the long term weight loss they are looking for, but it is worth noting that it can also be the first part of a wider treatment plan that may include other types of bariatric surgery (like gastric bypass) later. This is something that only a trained medical team such as the one headed by Dr. Liza María Pompa at LIMARP International Center of Excellence can determine.

And remember, LIMARP International Center of Excellence does not operate as an assembly line. Here patients have the opportunity to talk about their case one on one directly with Dr. Liza María Pompa, addressing their doubts and fears openly, no matter how large or small they might be. You will always receive warm, sincere and professional answers! 

If you want to know if gastric sleeve surgery is for you, call LIMARP International Center of Excellence for Obesity; our team is at your service and we can help. Call us for  a free evaluation!


If you are one of the millions of Canadians that have struggled to lose weight and are ready to take definitive action, 
do not hesitate to contact us by filling out our contact form.

You can also call our Canadian phone number to schedule a free consultation:

(306) 500-6618

Or call our toll free numbers:

1-844-DRPOMPA (Toll Free)    |    1-844-4LIMARP (Toll Free)


Blvd. Agua Caliente 4558-601 Col. Aviación., 22420 Tijuana, México

CA: (306) 500-6618
Toll free: 1-844-DRPOMPA Toll free: 1-844-4LIMARP